A New Chapter in the Global Economy
Washington D.C., USA
April 21, 2017

Can the IMF’s recent anticipation that global growth will pick up be seen as an announcement for a new chapter for the global economy? Are we turning a corner? Is the global economic outlook indeed positive despite clear looming uncertainties and what is the prospect for sustainable growth in the years ahead?
- Beat SIEGENTHALER: Global Macro Advisor, UBS Investment Bank
- Ewald NOWOTNY: Governor, Central Bank of Austria
- Jacob FRENKEL: Chairman, J.P. Morgan Chase International
- Jae KU: Director, US Korea Institute at SAIS
- James BACCHUS: Chair Global Practice, Greenberg Traurig
- Jin KYO SUH: Visiting Fellow & Adjunct Professor, US Korea Institute at SAIS, Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- Juan Jose ECHEVARRIA: Governor, Central Bank of Colombia
- Judy SHELTON: Senior Fellow, Atlas Network
- Julio VELARDE: Governor, Central Bank of Peru
- Kairat KELIMBETOV: Chairman, Astana International Financial Center
- Liqing ZHANG: Professor and Director for International Finance Studies, Central University of Finance and Economics
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Massimiliano CASTELLI: Managing Director, UBS Global Asset Management
- Perry WARJIYO: Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Indonesia
- Philip LANE: Governor, Central Bank of Ireland
- Qiangwu ZHOU: Director General, International Economics and Finance Institute, Ministry of Finance, China
- Richard COOPER: Professor of Economics, Harvard University
- Takatoshi ITO: Professor of Economics, Columbia University
- Yanqing YANG: Deputy Editor in Chief, China Business News
- Yide QIAO: Vice Chairman & Secretary General, Shanghai Development Research Foundation