Astana Finance Days
Astana, Kazakhstan
July 3-5, 2018

Astana Finance Days (AFD) was designed as a special event to commemorate the launching of Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) in a climate of rapid change, fast-paced innovation, and extended connectivity- developments that are transforming the way we live, think, do business, and perhaps even define ourselves. Functioning in this so-called fourth industrial revolution era will no doubt profoundly affect how financial institutions conduct business and their ability to thrive. AFD showcased how AIFC as an institution will embrace these challenges and new opportunities.
- Akash DEEP: Professor of Finance, Harvard Kennedy School
- Aleksander KWASNIEWSKI: Former President of Poland
- Alfonso IOZZO: Vice President of the Triffin International Foundation
- Alfred GUSENBAUER: Former Chancellor of Austria
- André KÜÜSVEK: Director, Local Currency and Capital Markets Development, EBRD
- Angela KNIGHT CBE: Former CEO, British Bankers’ Association
- Antonio DE GREGORIO: Belt & Road Program Manager, Thomson Reuters
- Antonio RIERA: BCG
- Ariel COHEN, Senior Fellow: Atlantic Council; Founding Principal, International Market Analysis and energy columnist, Forbes
- Askar MAMIN: Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan
- Askar ZHUMAGALIYEV: Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan
- Assel ZHANASSOVA : Chief Digital Officer, AIFC
- Assylbek DAYLETOV: Chief Fintech Officer, AFSA
- Bakhyt SULTANOV: Minister of Finance, Republic of Kazakhstan
- Baur BEKTEMIROV: Chief Economist, AIFC
- Colin LAWRENCE: Senior Risk & Regulatory Strategist, Risk and Financial Advisory, UK
- Daniel HELLER: Researcher, UCL Center for Blockchain Technologies
- Dariga NAZARBAYEVA: Parlamentarian
- Diana TSOV: Technovation Regional Ambassador
- Eduardo LEVY YEYATI: Dean of the School of Government at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
- Liqing ZHANG: Director, Center for International Finance Studies at Beijing Central University of Finance and Economics
- Zhao CHANGHUI: Chief Country Risk Analyst, Export-Import Bank of China
- Elena FLOR: Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Banca Intesa San Paolo
- Erdem BASCI: Ambassador & Permanent Representative of Turkey, OECD; Former Governor, Central Bank of Turkey
- Eric PARRADO: Professor, Universidad de los Andes
- Gary CAMPKIN : Managing Director, TheCityUK
- George LAM, Chairman: Cyberport Hong Kong
- Graham STUART: Minister for Investment, UK Department for International Trade
- Harold JAMES: Professor of History, Princeton University
- Hayat SINDI: Advisor to the President of the IDB Group on Science, Technology, and Innovation, Islamic Development Bank
- Herman GREF: Chairman, Sberbank
- Hermann ELEDNER: Professor for Equity, Humboldt University of Berlin
- Hongyuan HUANG: President, Shanghai Stock Exchange
- Hubertus VÄTH: Managing Director, Frankfurt Main Finance
- Ido SADEH MAN: Founder & Foundation Council President, Saga
- Jacob FRENKEL: President, JP Morgan International
- John TSANG: Former Financial Secretary, Hong Kong
- Jon BRADFORD: Founding Partner, Motive Partners
- Joshua AIZENMAN: Professor and Dockson Chair in Economics and International Relations, USC and NBER
- Kairat KELIMBETOV: AIFC, Governor
- Kiran RAJ: Chief Strategy Officer, Bittrex
- Ksenia YUDAEVA: First Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Russia
- Lady Barbara JUDGE CBE: Chair, AFSA Board of Directors
- Leung CHUN VING: Chairman, Belt and Road Hong Kong Center, Former Chief Executive of SRA Hong Kong
- Lord Francis MAUDE: Former Minister of State for Trade and Investment, United Kingdom
- Madina ABYLKASSYMOYA: Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Kazakhstan
- Manoj PRADHAN: Founder, Talking Heads Macro
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Masood AHMED: President, Center for Global Development
- Massimiliano CASTELLI: Managing Director UBS
- Meyer “Sandy” FRUCHER: Vice Chairman, Nasdaq
- Mikhail FEDOSEEV: Vice President, Business development and Digital Payment Technologies Mastercard in Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus
- Miranda GOELTOM: Professor of Economics, University of Indonesia
- Mona VERNON: CTO, Thomson Reuters Labs
- Naoyuki YOSHINO: Dean, ADB Institute
- Nicolas VERON: Senior Fellow, Bruegel & Peterson Institute
- Nina VILLEMS: Country Manager, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Mastercard
- Nurlan KUSSAINOV: CEO, AIFC Authority
- Oleg BUKLEMISHEV: Professor of Economics, Moscow State University
- Peter TILS: Former CEO of Central and Eastern Europe, Deutsche Bank
- Prof. Alexander VAN DER PUTTE: Chairman, AIFC Academic Council
- Barbara MEYNERT: Chairman of Finclusion Limited, Member of AIFC Advisory Council on FinTech
- Qiao YIDE: Secretary General, Shanghai Development Research Foundation
- Remy BERSIER: Member of the Executive Board, Julius Bär
- Romano PRODI: Former PM, Italy
- Sasha IVANOV: Founder and CEO, Waves
- Sherry MADERA: City of London’s Special Representative for Asia
- Stephane POUYAT: Managing Director, Euroclear
- Takatoshi ITO: Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia SIPA
- Timothy BENNETH: CEO, Astana International Exchange
- Timur SULEIMENOV: Minister of National Economy
- Victor GAO: Chairman of China Energy Security Institute
- Wendell WALLACH: Chair Technology and Ethics Research Group at Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics
- William ROSS: CEO, Lazada Hong Kong
- Xiaochen ZHANG: Fintech4Good
- Yang ZAIPING: Secretary General, Asian Financial Cooperation Association