Bretton Woods @70: Managing the Interconnectedness of the World Economy
Cusco, Peru
July 21-22, 2014

This 5th annual Cusco conference organized in cooperation with the Central Bank of Peru was part of our yearly program for celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Bretton Woods conference. During the meeting we explored a number of key questions: What are the dominant factors for interconnectedness? Has the global economy reached its integration peak? What role have international capital flows played for economic development? What are the difficulties of dealing with volatile capital flows? Is fear of floating still valid? Is there a case for seeking to broaden the sources of international liquidity? Are the Bretton Woods institutions sufficiently reformable to adapt to today’s circumstances credibly? Are we witnessing an alternative to the current framework through the creation of BRIC Development Bank, a contingency reserve arrangement and an Asian Infrastructure Bank? How might the international monetary system operate in the next decade:
1) a scenario of progressive and partial fragmentation and deglobalisation or
2) a progressive opening of all capital accounts together with some intensive convergence in financial systems and regulations?
- Amar BHATTACHARYA: Secretary General, G24
- Ana Maria CARASQUILLA: President, FLAR
- Arvin SUBRAMANIAN: Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics
- Bakhyt SULTANOV: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Kazakhtan
- Barry EICHENGREEN: Professor of Economics, University of California at Berkeley
- Benoit COEURE: Member of the Board, European Central Bank
- Boris VUJCIC: Governor, Croatia National Bank
- Cedric TILLE: Professor of Economics, Graduate Institute Geneva
- Charles COLLYNS: Managing Director and Chief Economist, IIF
- Christian KOPF: Partner, Spinnaker Capital
- David DAOKUI LI: Professor of Economics, Tsinghua University
- Eric HELLEINER: Acting Chair, Department Political Science, University of Waterloo
- Fernando TENJO: General Director, CEMLA
- Geoffrey R.D. UNDERHILL: Professor of International Governance, Universieit van Amsterdam
- Guillermo ORTIZ: Chairman Banorte
- Ilan GOLDFAJN: Chief Economist, Itau Unibanco
- Iskandar SIMORANGKIR: Executive Director of Center for Central Bank Research and Education, Bank of Indonesia
- Jens NYSTEDT: Moore Capital Management
- Jonathan OSTRY: Deputy Director, Research Department, IMF
- Jorge FAMILIAR: Vice President for the Latin American and the Caribbean Region, World Bank
- Jose URIBE: Governor, Central Bank of Colombia
- Julio VELARDE: Governor, Central Reserve Bank of Peru
- Kazumas LWATA: President, Japan Center for Economic Research
- Kwan YEOL: Director, General Ministry of Finance, Korea
- Lawrence CHRISTIANO: Professor of Economics, Northwestern University
- Lesetja KGANYAGO: Deputy Governor, South Africa Reserve Bank
- Lorenzo GIORGANNI: Managing Director, Tudor Investment
- Luis OGANES: Managing Director, JP Morga,
- Luis PEREIRA DA SILVA: Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Brazil
- Malcolm KNIGHT: Distinguished Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation
- Manoj PRADHAN: Chief Global Economist, Morgan Stanley
- Manuel RAMOS FRANCIA: Deputy Governor, Banco de Mexico
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Mario I. BLEJER: Vice Chairman, Banco Hippotecario
- Michael BORDO: Professor of Economics, Rutgers University
- Miles KAHLER: Professor of International Relations, University of California, San Diego
- Moritz SCHULARICK: Professor of Economics, University of Bonn
- Ousmene MANDENG: Managing Director, Global institutional Relations Group
- Pablo GARCIA SILVA: Member of the Board, Central Bank of Chile
- Pierre JAILLET: Director General, Bank of France
- Pilar L’HOTELLERIE FALLOIS: Director General, Bank of Spain
- Qiao YIDE: Secretary General of the Shanghai Development Research Foundation
- Rodrigo CERDA: Professor, Catholic University of Chile
- Zhu MIN: Deputy Managing Director, IMF