China’s Economy Prospects in New Normal
Shanghai, China
October 30-31, 2015

With stabilizing economic growth, China’s economy has stepped into the ‘new-normal’ stage. In this meeting organized in collaboration with the SIFL institute and the Liu Hongru Financial Education Foundation scholars and experts debated whether under the new macro conditions it faces, China will be able to achieve rapid growth for the next decade. What kind of economic growth will be appropriate? What economic reform policies that will be necessary? Also addressed was whether China will revert to the mean (as per Larry Summers’ recent predictions). Political, economic and demographic challenges that china will face in the years ahead were also discussed: 1) What will happen when workers start to have bargaining powers and see increases in wages? 2) The globalization process was very positive for China but now how will the country handle the enormous amount of work needed to counter the middle-income trap in order remain competitive? 3) How does China prepare for the dramatic change in demographics it will be facing in 5 years?
- Alfred SCHIPKE: Senior Resident Representative for China, IMF
- Bai CHONGEN: Mansfield Freeman Chair Professor & Associate Dean, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
- Cai FANG: Director, Institute of Population and Labor Economics, CASS
- Cao YUANZHENG: Chief Economist, Bank of China, Academic Member, Shanghai Institute of Financ and Law
- Chang CHUN: Executive Dean, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, SJTU
- Chen YUAN: Former President, China Development Bank
- Fu WEIGANG: Executive President of SIFL Institute
- Gao HAIHONG: Director, Research Center for International Finance, Institute of World Economics and Politics, CASS
- Gao SHANWEN: Chief Economist, Essences Securities Co. Ltd, Academic Member, Liu Hongru Financial Education Foundation
- Ge PEIJIAN: Chairman, Shanghai Pudong Road & Bridge Construction Co. Ltd
- Gene FRIEDA: Managing Director, Moore Capital Management, LLC
- George MAGNU: Former Chief Economist & Senior Economic Adviser, UBS
- Gu CHANGHAO: Deputy Director, Legislative Affairs Office, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government
- Gu CHENG: Deputy Chairman & President, Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Co. Ltd
- Huang SHAOQING: Associate Professor, Antai College of Economics & Management, SJTU
- Jia KANG: Deputy Director, Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance
- Jin LIQUN: Chairman, China International Capital Corporation Co. Ltd
- Justin LIN: Former Chief Economist & Senior Vice President, World Bank
- Kazuo UEDA: Professor, Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo, Policy Board Member, the Bank of Japan
- Liao LI: Executive Associate Dean, the PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University
- Ling CAIWEI: Associate Aditor, Caixin Media
- Lu FENG: National School of Development, Peking University
- Lu LEI: Director, Researcher Bureau of the People’s Bank of China
- Lu MING: Professor, Fudan University
- Lui MINGKANG: Former Chairman, China Securities Regulatory Commission
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Michael SPENCE: Laureate of Nobel Prize of Economics, Senior Fellow, Stanford University’s Hoover Institution
- Ousmene MANDENG: Managing Director, Prudential Plc
- Qiao YIDE: General Secretary, Shanghai Development Research Foundation
- Qiu XIAOHUA: Chief Economist, Minsheng Securities Co. Ltd
- Shao YU: Chief Economist, Orient Securities Co. Ltd.
- Shen GUOMING: Party Secretary and Vice Chairman of Shanghai Social Science Federation
- Shen PEILIANG: Chairman, Shanghai Urban Construction Investment & Development Co. Ltd
- Shi WENCHAO: Deputy Chairman & President, China Union Pay
- Tu GUANGSHAO: Vice Mayor, Shanghai, Chairman of the Board, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, SJTU
- Wan JIANHUA: Author, Financial Reform Blue Book, Chairman, Guotai Junan Securities Co. Ltd.
- Wang JUN: Chief Financial Expert, Financial Development Bureau of East Asia and the Pacific, World Bank
- Wang LIQUN: Chairman, Stone Capital Co. Ltd
- Wang WEI: Chairman, China’s Financial Museum
- Wei BENHUA: Chairman Liu Hongru Financial Education Foundation, Former Deputy Chief, State Administration of Foreign Exchange of China
- Wei SEN: Director, Institute of Economic Thoughts and Economic History, Fudan University
- Wei YINGNING: Participant, Financial Reform Blue Book, Former Vice Chairman, China Insurance Regulatory Commission
- Wu GE: Associate Researcher, Monetary Policy Department II, The People’s Bank of China
- Wu XIAOLING: Vice Chairman, Financial and Economic Committee of NPC, Director, Academic Committee of Liu Hongru Financial Education Foundation, Academic Member, Shanghai Institute of Finance and Law
- Xie PING: Deputy General Manager, China Investment Corporation
- Xu CHENGGANG: Professor, School of Economics and Finance, University of Hong Kong
- Yan JUN: Partner & Guangzhou Branch Office Director, JunZeJun Law Offices
- Yang YANQING: Deputy Editor-in-Chief, China Business News
- Yin JIANFENG: Deputy Director, Institute of Finance and Banking, CASS
- Yuan ZHIGANG: Dean, Economics School, Fudan University
- Zhang JUN: Director, China Center for Economic Research, Fudan University
- Zhang LIAO: General Manager, Jumbo Consulting Co. Ltd
- Zhang LIFEN: Associate editor, Financial Times, Chief Editor, FT Chinese
- Zhang MING: Associate Professor, Institute for World Economics and Politics, CASS
- Zhang SHUGUANG: Director of Academic Committee, Unirule Institute of Economics
- Zhang ZHENG: Associate Professor, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
- Zhang ZHIPING: Participant, Financial Reform Blue Book, Chairman, Oriental Patron Financial Group
- Zhang ZHIXIANG: Former General Director, International Department, PBC, Former Executive Director, IMF