Conference on Monetary Policy and Asset Management: A New Normal?
Skopje, Macedonia
February 16, 2018

How does the state of the global economy and where it is heading create new challenges for central banks with respect to their mandate on price and financial stability? In particular, what post-crisis financial market developments are we seeing in the advanced and developing world, how resilient is the financial sector and what are the implications for central banks
- Andy HALDANE: Chief Economist, Bank of England
- Benoit COEURE: Member of the Executive Board, ECB
- Charlotte RUHE: Managing Director, EBRD
- Christian DESEGLISE: Global Head Central Banks, HSBC
- Claudia M. BUCH: Vice-President, Deutsche Bundesbank
- David LI DAOKUI: Professor of Economics, Tsinghua University
- Dimitar BOGOV: Governor, NBRM
- Dragan TEVDOVSKI: Minister, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Macedonia
- Dusan VUJCOVIC: Minister, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia
- Ewald NOWOTNY: Governor, Oesterreichische National Bank
- Fabrizio SACCOMANNI: Former Minister of Finance, Chairman Unicredit
- Fritz ZURBRUGG: Vice Chairman of the Governing Board, Swiss National Bank
- Isabelle STRAUSS KAHN: Banque de France and the World Bank
- Jacob FRENKEL: Chairman, International JP Morgan Chase
- Jean BOVIN: Director, Blackrock Institute, Former Deputy Governor Bank of Canada
- Jennifer JOHNSON CALARI: Advisor, Former Director of Sovereign Investment Partnerships at the World Bank Group
- Jose VINALS: Chairman of Standard Chartered PLC, Former Financial Counsellor and Director of the Monetary and Capital Markets Department at the IMF
- Ksenia YUDAEVA: First Deputy Chairman, CB Russia
- Luiz AWAZU PEREIRA DA SILVA: Deputy General Manager, Bank for International Settlements
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Massimiliano CASTELLI: Managing Director, UBS Asset Management
- Peter ZOLLNER: Head Banking Department, BIS
- Rolf WENZEL: Governor, Council of Europe Development Bank
- Stanley FISCHER: Former Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve
- Tao ZHANG: Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
- Vladislav GORANOV: Minister, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Bulgaria