Dialogue of Continents 2018
Paris, France
September 3-5, 2018

During Dialogue of Continents diverse stakeholders in the international economy were invited from all corners of the globe for an in depth conversation on what the future holds in this increasingly uncertain, novel and multipolar world, with particular attention devoted to examining the extent to which we can build new forms of economic connectivity and innovative governance.
- Abdulrahman AL HAMIDY: Director General and Chairman of the Board, Arab Monetary Fund
- Aleksander BERENTSEN: Professor of Economics, University of Basel
- Aleksander KWASNIEWSKI: Former President of Poland
- Aleksi GRYM: Head of Digitalization, Bank of Finland
- Alexander KARRER: Deputy State Secretary, Swiss Federal Department of Finance
- Alfred GUSENBAUER: Former Chancellor of Austria
- Andrea KOMLOSY: Professor in the Department of Economic and Social History, University of Vienna
- Angel ESTRADA: Executive Coordinator of International Affairs, Banco de Espana
- Axelle LEMAIRE: Partner, Roland Berger
- Baur BEKTEMIROV: Chief Economist, Astana International Financial Center
- Benjamin PRING: Partner, Cognizant
- Boris VUJCIC: Governor, Croatian National Bank
- Carlo MONTICELLI: Vice Governor, Council of Europe Development Bank
- Changhui ZHAO: Chief Country Risk Analyst for Export-Import, Bank of China
- Daniel HELLER: Researcher, UCL
- Dirck SUESS: Director of the Economic Policy Department, Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
- Erik BERGLOF: Director of the Institute of Global Affairs, London School of Economics
- Feng XINGKE: Secretary General Center for BRICS and Global Governance
- Frans-Paul VAN DER PUTTEN: Senior Research Fellow, Netherlands Institute of International Relations
- Harinder KOHLI: CEO and President, Centennial Group and Emerging Markets Forum
- Harold JAMES: Professor, Princeton University
- Heikki HIILAMO: Research Professor, University of Helsinki
- Henning VÖPEL: Director, Hamburg Institute of International Economics
- Hiroshi WATANABE: President of the Institute for International Monetary Affairs
- Holger SCHMIEDING: Chief Economist, Berenberg Bank
- Ian GOLDIN: Professor of Globalization and Development and Director of the Oxford Martin Program on Technical and Economic Change
- Ido SADEH MAN: Founder and President of the Saga Foundation
- Iris SCHEEL: Member of the Board, Hamburg Port Authority
- Jan ZIELONKA: Professor of European Politics and Ralf Dahrendorf Fellow at St Antony’s College
- Jean Pierre LANDAU: Professor of Economics, Sciences Po Paris
- Joaquim LEVY: Managing Director and Chief Financial officer, World Bank Group
- John FERNALD: Professor of Economics, INSEAD
- Jonathan FRIED: Coordinator, International Economic Relations and Personal Representative of the Prime Minister for the G20
- Julien MARCILLY: Chief Economist, Coface
- Julio VELARDE: Governor, Central Reserve Bank of Peru
- Koba GVENETADZE: Governor, National Bank of Georgia
- Lorenzo BINI SMAGHI: Chairman, Societe Generale
- Mahmoud MOHIELDIN: Senior Vice-President for the 2030 Development Agenda, United Nations Relations and Partnerships, The World Bank Group
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Marieke FLAMENT: Managing Director, Circle
- Mario I. BLEJER: Deputy Chairman, Banco Hipotecario and Visiting Professor, London School of Economics
- Marouane EL ABASSI: Governor, Central Bank of Tunisia
- Martin WEIS: GSA Intelligent Automation Leader and Partner at EY
- Masood AHMED: President, Center for Global Development
- Massimo DEANDREIS: General Manager, SRM
- Mathias MÜLLER: Partner, Rödl and Partner
- Mattia ROMANI: Managing Director for Economic Policy and Governance, EBRD
- Michael BORDO: Professor of Economics, Rutgers University and Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
- Michael HEISE: Chief Economist, Allianz SE
- Nouriel ROUBINI: Professor of Economics and International Business, NYU Stern School of Business, Chairman of Roubini Macro Associates
- Ousmène Jacques MANDENG: Senior Fellow, London School of Economics
- Petre ROMAN: Professor at the University Politechnica Bucharest and Former Prime Minister of Romania
- Piroska NAGY MOHACSI: Program Director, London School of Economics
- Risto MURTO: Deputy Director-General of Networks Department for the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communication
- Rolf WENZEL: Governor, Council of Europe Development Bank
- Romano PRODI: Former Prime Minister of Italy
- Sayuri SHIRAI: Professor of Keio University, Former Bank of Japan Policy Board Member
- Shamshad AKHTAR: Caretaker of Finance, Planning Reform, Economic and Privatization, Government of Pakistan
- Shigeo KATSU: President of Narzarbayev University
- Susanne CHISHTI: CEO, Fintech Circle and Fintech Circle Institute
- Sylvie GOULARD: Deputy Governor, Banque de France
- Tara WATERS: Partner, Ashurst
- Tatiana VALOVAYA: Minister and Member of the Board, Eurasia Economic Commission
- Timo BOPPART: Assistant Professor, Institute for International Economic Studies at Stockholm University
- Tone VAYS: Co-Host, Crypto Scam Podcast and Blockchain Consultant, Liberty Life Trail
- Tuur DEMEESTER: Founder, Adamant Research
- Vasuki SHASTRY: Head Global Public Affairs, Standard Chartered
- Vladimir YAKUNIN: Founder and President of the Research Institute, “Dialogue of Civilizations”
- Xiaochen ZHANG: President, FinTech4Good
- Yang YAO: Cheung-Kong Scholar and Boya Chair Professor, Dean of the National School of Development and Director of the China Center for Economic Research at Peking University
- Yinming PANG: Chairman and President, Linkeychain Intelligent Technology
- Yves MERSCH: Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank
- Zeno D’AGOSTINO: President, Trieste Port Authority