Disentanglement of the Global Economy
Washington D.C., USA
October 18, 2019

Official Partner for special session: The Search for Inclusive Growth: SDGs
14:40 – 16:00
The US-China trade war could trigger a major disruption of the global financial order. The series of sessions during this conference looked first at the state of the global economy and examine the current evidence pointing to a disentanglement of the global economy, before then continuing the current debate on monetary policy frameworks in advanced countries. The discussions also considered a forward-looking agenda such as how emerging economies’ growth models will need to be adapted to the new era and what is in store for the future of money as we see the emergence of private sector players.
- Alexander BARKAWI: Founder and Director, Council on Economic Policies
- Beat SIEGENTHALER: Global Macro Advisor, UBS Investment Bank
- Debora REVOLTELLA: Chief Economist, European Investment Bank
- Henry FARRELL: Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, Department of Political Science at George Washington University
- Hiroshi NAKASO: President, Daiwa Institute of Research
- Homi KHARAS: Interim Vice President and Director of the Global Economy and Development Program, Brookings Institution
Advisor to the CEO of UBS, and Former Advisor to the Governor of the Bank of England - Jason FURMAN: Professor of the Practice of Economy Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
- John TAYLOR: Professor of Economics, Stanford University
- Judy SHELTON: US Executive Director, EBRD
- Leslie MAASDORP: Vice President and CFO, National Development Bank
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Mark HAEFELE: Global Chief Investment Officer, UBS
- Masood AHMED: President, Center for Global Development
- Massimiliano CASTELLI: Managing Director, UBS Global Asset Management
- Morgan DESPRES: Head of NGFS Secretariat, Banque de France
- Nick STERN: Professor of Economics & Government and Chair of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics
- Richard COCHINOS: Head of Macro Sales and Trading Content, Knowledge Network Americas, UBS AG
- Robert S. KAPLAN: President, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
- Simon EVENETT: Professor of Economics, University of St. Gallen
Sir Danny ALEXANDER: Vice President , AIIB - Stephanie FLANDERS: Economics Editor, Bloomberg
- Toshinori DOI: Director, AMRO
- Ugur NAMUK KUCUK: Deputy Governor, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
- Wilson DEL SOCORRO: Global Director of Government Affairs, Diaego