Economic Financial and Monetary Shifts in the Global Economy
Astana, Kazakhstan
May 21, 2015

The participants of the Conference discussed the many conflicting factors and “new realitiescomplex behind current transformations of the global economy, including the macroeconomic effect of declining oil prices and its impact on global markets, “strong dollar” and its impact on exchange rates in the world, the new “norm” of qualitative growth of China, the identification of new growth drivers, as well as the “spillover effect” from a slowdown in the Russian economy on the countries of Central Asia.
The conference was divided into two main parts: Growth identification and Financial stability identification. Discussions started with a working luncheon on the subject: “Global Economy Review: Macroeconomic Effect of Falling Commodity Prices and its Importance for Growth” with the participation of Ye.A. Dossayev, the Minister of National Economy of the RoK and Nuriel Rubini, NYU professor of economics as well as David Shark, the Deputy Director General of the World Trade Organization.
- Akash DEEP: Senior Lecturer in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
- Alfred GUSENBAUER: Former Chancellor of the Republic of Austria
- Bakhyt SULTANOV: Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Clemens GRAFE: Chief Economist for Russia and CIS and Co-Head of New Markets Economic Research, Goldman Sachs
- Daniel HELLER: Executive Director, IMF
- David HALE: Chairman, David Hale Global Economics
- David SHARK: Deputy Director-General, WTO
- Debora REVOLTELLA: Director of Economics Department, European Investment Bank
- Dmitry PANKIN: Chairman of Eurasian Development Bank Management Board
- Domingo CAVALLO: Senior Fellow of the Institute for Global Affairs at Yale University, Former Minister of Economy, Former President of the Central Bank of Argentina
- Erbolat DOOSAEV: Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Erik BERGLOF: Director of Institute for Global affairs, London School of Economics
- Hans TIMMER: Chief Economist of the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia Region
- Jacob FRENKEL: Chairman, JP Morgan Chase International
- John BAFFES: Senior Economist, World Bank Development Projects Group, Author of the World Bank Policy Research Note “Great Plunge in Oil Prices: Causes, Consequences and Policy Responses”
- Juha KAHKONEN: Deputy Director of Middle east and Central Asia Department, IMF
- Justin YIFU LIN: Professor and Honorary Dean, National School of Development at Peking University, Former Chief Economist and Senior Vice President at the World Bank
- Kairat KELIMBETOV: Chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Karim MASSIMOV: Prime Minister, Republic of Kazakhstan
- Kenneth ROGOFF: Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Harvard University
- Ksenia YUDAEVA: First Deputy Governor of the Bank of Russia
- Linda YUEH: Chief Business Correspondent, Talking Business Presenter, BBC
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Massimiliano CASTELLI: Global Head of Strategy, Global Sovereign Markets, UBS
- Mattia ROMANI: Managing Director, Country and Sector Economics, EBRD
- Nouriel ROUBINI: Professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business, Chairman of Roubini Global Economies
- Nursultan NAZARBAYEV: President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Oleg PRESKIN: B20 Sherpa for Russia, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs International Cooperation Committee, Vice-President of the Association of Russian Banks
- Robert VARTEVANIAN: Head of M&A & Financing, KPMG
- Romano PRODI: Former Prime Minister of Italy, Former President of the European Commission
- Shaukat AZIZ: Former Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Pakistan
- Timur SULEIMENOV: Minister for the economy and Financial Policy, Eurasian Economic Commission
- Tolkynbek ABDIGULOV: Governor of the Central bank of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan
- Wencai ZHANG: Vice President, Asian Development Bank
- Xavier BETTEL: Prime Minister of Luxembourg
- Yashwant SINHA: Former Finance Minister and Former Foreign Minister of India
- Yves LETERME: Secretary General, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Former Prime Minister of Belgium and Former Deputy Secretary of OECD