Groundbreaking Shifts in the International Financial System
Washington D.C., USA
April 17, 2015

This high-level seminar to be held during the IMF/World Bank meetings focused on defining the contours, poles and challenges that lie ahead for the international financial system.
- Ajith NIVARD CABRAAL: Governor, Central Bank of Sri Lanka
- Andras SIMOR: Vice President, EBRD
- Beat SIEGENTHALER: Foreign exchange Strategist, UBS Investment Bank
- Ewald NOWOTNY: Governor, Central Bank of Austria
- Jae KU: Director, US-Korea Institute at SAIS
- Kazuo MOMMA: Assistant Governor, Bank of Japan
- Kristin FORBES: Member of the MPC, Bank of England
- Luiz PEREIRA DA SILVA: Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Brazil
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Massimiliano CASTELLI: Managing Director, UBS Global Asset Management
- Peter PRAET: Member of the Board, European Central Bank
- Turalay KENC: Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Turkey