International Capital Mobility and Domestic Economic Stability
Canberra, Australia
July 14-16, 1999

The Asian crisis having stirred up considerable debate on the present and future shape of the international financial architecture, we decided to launch a project entitled the process towards a new financial architecture. Our idea was to examine the crises of 1997 and 1998 on a country-by-country basis in order to identify similarities and differences across affected countries in terms of their economic conditions, institutional arrangements and other key dimensions. We asked participants to focus on Australia, Brazil, China, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Thailand, Turkey and this conference in Canberra provided a venue for outlining findings of the various comparative analyses carried out. A book of the proceedings entitled Capital Flows without Crisis was produced in collaboration with Dominic Wilson and Ross Garnaut, from the Australia National University.
- Chandra ATHUKORALA: Senior Fellow, Economics Division, Asia Pacific School for Economics and Management, ANU
- Chris MULDER: Senior Economist, IMF
- David VINES: Director, Global Economic Institutions Research
- Dipak DASGUPTA: Task Manager, Global Development Finance, The Bank, Development Prospects Group
- Dominic WILSON: Research Associate, Australia-Japan Research Pacific School of Economics and Management, ANU
- Eliana CARDOSO: Lead Economist, The World Bank
- George VOJTA: Vice Chairman, Bankers Trust Corporation
- Grzegorz KOLODKO: Visiting Scholar, IMF
- Hak PYO: Professor of Economics, Seoul National University, University of Tokyo
- Istvan ABEL: Division Head, Monetary Policy Department, Bank of Hungary
- Ken HENRY: Acting Secretary, Commonwealth Treasury Australia
- Lei ZHANG: Professor of Economics, University of Warwick
- Ligang SONG: Director, China Economy and Business Program
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Masaru YOSHITOMI: Dean, Asian Development Bank Institute
- Nancy WAGNER: Senior Economist, IMF
- Ozer ERTUNA: Professor of Economics, Bogazici University
- Peter WARR: John Crawford Professor of Agricultural, ANU
- Rogelio RAMIREZ DE LA O.: Director General, Ecanal SA
- Ross GARNAUT: Director, Asia Pacific School of Economics and Management, ANU
- Ross MCLEOD: Fellow in the Indonesia Project, ANU and the Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies
- Soedradjad DJIWANDONO: Visiting Professor, Harvard Institute Development
- Stephen GRENVILLE: Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of Australia
- Vladimir POPOV: Professor of Economics, Moscow Academy National Economy
- Yiping HUANG: Economics Division, RSPAS, Asia Pacific Economics and Management, ANU