New Challenges for Global Economics Integration
Cusco, Peru
July 24-25, 2017

Several prisms can be used to try to understand the new challenges facing global economic integration. This seminar examined historical facts about the globalisation, productivity and long-term interests, the actual monetary system in our current environment and the new emerging markets. These examinations helped ground a discussion about the future of money and finance and the eventual consequences.
- Alan TAYLOR: Professor of Economics, University of California, Davis
- Alejandro WERNER: Director Western Hemisphere Dpt., IMF
- Andrew POWELL: Economist Principal Advisor, IADB
- Carlos COSTA: Governor, Bank of Portugal
- Carlos FERNANDEZ VALDOVINOS: Governor, Central Bank of Paraguay
- Carlos VEGH: Chief Economist, Latin America and the Caribbean
- Chatib BASRI: Senior Fellow Harvard Kennedy, Former Finance Minister, Indonesia
- Daniel MMINELE: Deputy Governor, South African Reserve Bank
- Demian REIDEL: Vice President, Central Bank of Argentina
- Denny KALYALYA: Governor, Bank of Zambia
- Diego W. PEREIRA: Chief Economist for Latin America, J.P. Morgan
- Domingo CAVALLO: Partner, Global Source Partners
- Eric MONNET: Senior Researcher, Banque de France
- Felipe LARRAIN: Professor of Economics, Catholic University of Chile
- Guillermo ORDONEZ: Professor of Economics, University of Pennsylvania
- Guillermo ORTIZ : Chairman Latin America, BTG Pactual
- II Houng LEE: Member of the Board, The Bank of Korea
- Javier GUZMAN: Deputy Governor, Bank of Mexico
- Jean François PERRAULT: Global Chief Economist, Scotia Bank
- Joaquin VIAL: Member of the Board, Central Bank of Chile
- Jonathan OSTRY: Deputy Director, Research Department, IMF
- Jorge SICILIA: Chief Economist, BBVA
- Jose Antonio OCAMPO: Member of the Board, Bank of the Republic, Colombia
- Jose DARIO URIBE: executive President, FLAR
- Jose Manuel GONZALEZ PARAMO: Executive Board Member, BBVA
- Julio VELARDE: Governor, Central Reserve Bank of Peru
- Kairat KELIMBETOV: Governor, Astana International Financial Centre
- Lawrence SCHEMBRI: Deputy Governor, Bank of Canada
- Luiz PEREIRA DA SILVA: Deputy General Manager, BIS
- Marc Olivier STRAUSS KAHN: Director General, Banque de France
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Martin REDRADO: Director General, Fundacion Capital
- Nouriel ROUBINI: Professor of Economics, NYU School of Business
- Shahin VALLEE: Director, SFM UK Management LLP
- Tao ZHANG: Deputy Managing Director, IMF
- Yide QIAO: Secretary General, Shanghai Development Research Foundation