World Blockchain Finance Summit
World Blockchain Finance Summit Beijing, China July 1, 2018 Partners Overview The blockchain is regarded as the core technology of the next generation after steam engine, power and Internet, and its application has extended from the single financial field to various...
IMF Spring Meeting: A Synchronized Global Expansion?
IMF Spring Meetings: A Synchronized Global Expansion? Washington D.C, USA April 20, 2018 Partners Overview Advanced economies have taken longer than expected to recover from the global financial crisis. More recently, the short-term outlook for global growth has...
Reforms in Global Governance & The Role of Emerging Economies
Reforms in Global Governance& the Role of Emerging Economies Buenos Aires, Argentina March 20, 2018 Partners Overview What should a new global system look like and how can a smooth transition to it be engineered? This conference schedule to dovetail with the G20...
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