Strong Global Frowth: Policies, Drivers and Institutions
Strong Global Growth: Policies, Drivers and Institutions Shanghai, China February 28, 2016 Partners Overview The global economic recovery is continuing but weakness remains in major economies. Global growth forecast has been downgraded after each revision as most...
Taking Stock of the Global Financial Architecture
Taking Stock of the Global Financial Architecture Shanghai, China February 26, 2016 Partners Overview The world economy is still in a weak recovery. The Fed decided to start a rate hike cycle last year while Europe and Japan have maintained their loose monetary...
Rethinking Global Finance Initiative: Strengthen the Research and Policy Voice of Emerging Economies
Rethinking Global Finance Initiative: Strengthen the Research and Policy Voice of Emerging Economies Shanghai, China February 25, 2016 Partners Overview Seminar participants discussed the global financial crisis and government failures leading them to question some of...
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