Europe and Asia in the Macroeconomics of Globalization
Europe and Asia in the Macroeconomics of Globalization Vienna, Austria January 19, 2006 Partners Overview During the first half of its 2006 EU presidency Austria organized a high level exchange between officials from Europe and Asia, which RBWC supplemented with an...
The Evolving Role of the Bretton Woods Institutions: Where do we Stand?
The Evolving Role of the Bretton Woods Institutions: Where do we Stand? Paris, France July 4-5, 2005 Partners Overview In this conference on the evolving role of the Bretton Woods institutions, participants expressed the view that “radical changes” in the structure...
Sovereign Debt and Innovative Financing Instruments for Emerging Markets
Sovereign debt and Innovative Financing Instruments for Emerging Markets Izmir, Turkey May 1-2, 2005 Partners Overview The seminar in Izmir provided a variety of opinions about the creation of innovative financing instruments. Does financial innovation improve a...
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