World Gold Council and RBWC Breakfast Seminar
World Gold Council and RBWC Breakfast Seminar Hawaii, USA May 8, 2001 Partners Overview On the eve of the annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank that took place in Hawaii, we hosted a seminar with The World Gold Council for policy makers and academics to discuss...
Private Capital Flows and Developing Countries: Challenges during the Cyclical Slowdown
Private Capital Flows and Developing Countries: Challenges during the Cyclical Slowdown New York, USA April 26, 2001 Partners Overview The string of financial crises in developing countries in the second half of the 1990s shook the confidence of many in global...
Global Workshop on Implementing Emerging Financial Sector Standards: A Public/Private Sector Challenge
Global Workshop on Implementing Emerging Financial Sector Standards: A Public/Private Sector Challenge Versailles, France December 18-19, 2000 Overview At the time of this conference a clear consensus was starting to emerge for a standards-based approach to enhancing...
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