Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
Opening Conference
New York, USA
September 20-21, 1994

This RBWC launching event was carried out to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Bretton Woods Conference. At the time we were already discussing the need for a new global financial architecture. Indeed from the onset, the importance of the global economy adapting to the emergence of a new set of actors (the concept of global financial architecture was not yet very well developed) was a guiding premise for RBWC. Discussions centered around the IMF’s role in surveillance, the need for target zones and the ERM 2 crisis. Jeffrey Sachs’ paper on a Chapter 11 process for the global financial system to deal with sovereign default also stimulated a great deal of debate. Two months later, the Mexican crisis erupted. Who would have anticipated that what started in the course of this conference would develop into an agenda continued for the next 20 years! The proceedings of this conference were published in a book entitled The Financial System Under Stress: An Architecture for the New World Economy.
- Alberto GIOVANNI: Professor of Economics, Columbia University
- Alexander SWOBODA: Executive Director, International Center for Monetary and Banking Studies, Switzerland
- Avinash PERSAUD: Vice-President, J.P Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
- Christian STALS: Governor, South African Reserve Bank
- David MULLINS: Managing Director, Long Term Capital Management
- Francis SCOTLAND: Managing Director, International Bank Credit Analyst
- Hans HUFSCHMIND: Managing Director, Salomon Brothers
- Helmut SCHLESINGER: Former President, Deutsche Bundesbank
- Hervé CARRE: Director of Monetary Affairs, European Commission
- Howard KURZ: Managing Director, Proprietary Trading, Lehman Brothers
- Jim O’NEILL: Managing Director Global Research, Swiss Bank Corporation
- John LIPSKY: Chief Economist, Salomon Brothers
- Jorge BRAGA DE MACEDO: Professor of Economics, Universidade de Lisboa
- Jürgen VON HAGEN: Professor of Economics, University of Mannheim
- Manuel GUITIAN: Associate Director, Monetary and Exchange Rate, International Monetary Fund
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Michel SAPIN: Member of the Open Committee, Bank of France
- Miles KAHLER: Senior Fellow, Council of Foreign Relations
- Paul DE GRAUWE: Professor of Economics, University of Louvain
- Reimut JOCHIMSEN: President, State Central Bank in North Rhne-Westphalia
- Richard COOPER: Professor of Economics, Harvard University
- Richard WITTEN: Partner, Goldman Sachs
- Ronald I. MCKINNON: Professor of Economics, Stanford University
- Stephen YORKE: Vice-President, Chase Manhattan Bank
- T.J. LIM: Managing Director, Merrill Lynch International