Putting Europe on a Sustainable Growth Path
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
November 14, 2013

This conference assessed the impact of financial crisis on investment in Europe paying particular attention to the role of finance, and most notably foreign capital flows, as well as the implications of macroeconomic policy. The participants addressed issues like the supply of investment in Europe, including deleveraging of the banking sector, the impact of financial market integration and fragmentation and the adequate financial policies and regulations needed to secure the supply of sustainable investment finance. Participants agreed that well-targeted policy action is needed, addressing bottlenecks for growth and clear financing gaps. There was consensus on the need for policy interventions aimed at reopening market opportunities. Structural reforms were also called for to reallocate resources towards more productive uses, not only for crisis-hit countries, but for the best performers as well. Innovative ideas, like the creation of a German sovereign wealth fund, were discussed.
- Adam FARKAS: Executive Director, European Banking Authority
- Anne Christine CHAMPION: Global Head of Infrastructure and Projects, Natixis
- Boris VUJCIC: Governor, National Bank of Croatia
- Debora REVOLTELLA: Director of the Economics Department, European Investment Bank
- Dprte HOPPNER: Secretary General, European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association
- Edmond ALPHANDERY: Chairman, Euro50 Group
- Elena CARLETTI: European University Institute
- Georg INDERST: Chief Executive Officer, Inderst Advisory
- John MORAN: Secretary General, Department of Finance, Ireland
- Jose FERNANDO FIGUEIREDO: President, European Association of Mutual Guarantee Societies
- Juan RODRIGUEZ INCIARTE: Executive Director, Banco Santander
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Maria Luis ALBUQUERQUE: Minister of Finance, Portugal
- Mihai TANASESCU: Vice President, European Investment Bank
- Pier Carlo PADOAN: Chief Economist and Deputy Secretary General, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Reinhilde VEUGELERS: University of Leuven
- Reza MOGHADAM: Director of the European Department, IMF
- Richard PELLY: Chief Executive Officer, European Investment Fund
- Rien WAGENVOORT: European Investment Bank
- Thomas MAYER: Senior Advisor to Deutsche Bank and Senior Fellow, Center for Financial Studies at Goethe Universitat Frankfurt
- Urbain VANDEURZEN: President, Flemish Employers’ Federation and GIMV
- Werner HOYER: President, European Investment Bank
- Yves MERSCH: Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank