Regaining Control of the International Monetary System
Vienna, Austria
February 27-28, 2014

This conference, organized with the Austrian Central Bank, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, and the country’s Federal Ministry of Finance, set in motion our overall program for 2014, Bretton Woods @ 70. Seventy years ago, The Bretton Woods international monetary system was launched with the United Nations’ Monetary and Financial Conference held in New Hampshire on July 21-22, 1944. The conference established a new international financial architecture with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as well as the most ambitious, comprehensive and far reaching international treaty. What can be salvaged from the current multilateral system? This first conference reflected on the past and on the future to start drawing the contours of the post western world, finding a balance between the advanced countries and rising states.
- Andy HALDANE: Executive Director, Bank of England
- Anton KORINEK: Professor of Economics, Johns Hopkins University
- Edmund CONWAY: Author, The Summit: Bretton Woods and the Fight to Save the World’s Economy
- Ellen GOLDSTEIN: Country Director (Europe and Central Asia), World Bank
- Eric RAUCHWAY: Professor of History, University of California, Davis
- Ewald NOWOTNY: Governor, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
- Fabrizio SACCOMANNI: Minister of Finance, Italy
- François BOURGUIGNON: Professor of Economics, Paris School of Economics
- Gertrude TUMPEL GUGERELL: Former Member of the Board, ECB
- Hans HELMUT KOTZ: Program Director, SAFE Policy Center, Goethe University
- Hans TIMMER: Chief Economist (Europe and Central Asia), World Bank
- Ibrahim H. CANAKCI: Undersecretary of Treasury, Republic of Turkey
- II Houng LEE: President, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- Jacob A. FRENKEL: Chairman of the Board of Trustees, G30
- Jacques DE LA ROSIERE: Former Managing Director, IMF
- Jean BOIVIN: Associate Deputy Minister, Department of Finance, Canada
- Jerome BOOTH: Chairman, New Sparta, Former Head of Research, Ashmore Group
- Jose Antonio OCAMPO: Professor of Economics, Columbia University
- Kairat KELIMBETOV: Governor, National Bank of Kazakhstan
- Kurt SCHULER: Senior Fellow in Financial History, Center for Financial Stability
- Liaquat AHAMED: Author, Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World
- Mar GUDMUNDSSON: Governor, Central Bank of Iceland
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Michael BORDO: Professor of Economics, Rutgers University
- Ousmene MANDENG: Managing Director, Pramerica Investment Bank
- Peter MOOSLECHNER: Executive Director, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
- Peter PRAET: Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank
- Richard COOPER: Professor of International Economics, Harvard University
- Ruben LAMDANY: Deputy Director, Independent Evaluation Office of the International Monetary Fund
- Ruogu LI: President, The Export-Import, Bank of China
- Siddharth TIWARI: Director, Strategy, Policy and Review Department, International Monetary Fund
- Turalay KENC: Deputy Governor, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
- Xavier MUSCA: Deputy Chief Executive officer, Credit Agricole