Rethinking Global Finance Initiative: Strengthen the Research and Policy Voice of Emerging Economies
Shanghai, China
February 25, 2016

Seminar participants discussed the global financial crisis and government failures leading them to question some of the basic tenets of prevailing economic thought.
- Chun CHANG: dean, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance
- Erik BERGLOF: Director, IGA, London School of Economics
- Huang HAIZHOU: Managing Director, CICC and CF40
- Liao MIN: Director General, Shanghai Branch, CSRC
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Qiao YIDE: Secretary General, Shanghai Development Research Foundation
- Shu LIN: Professor, Fudan University
- Yi GANG: Deputy Governor, People’s Bank of China
- Zhu JIEJIN: Professor, Fudan University