A New EU, A New World?
Rome & Online-September 23


The world is facing a concurrence of crises: the war in Ukraine and the ongoing recovery from COVID-19 on top of the effects of climate change.
While differing very much in nature, these crises all have a decisive effect on economic and monetary policy. With our conference, we seek to develop a deeper understanding of how these transformational crises are likely to impact Europe and the international order focusing on what a sustained geopolitical fragmentation and economic deglobalization could mean in the long term.
Venue: UniCredit, Palazzo De Carolis, Via Lata, 3
8:30-9:15: Registration and Welcome Coffee
9:15-9:30: Opening Remarks
Pier Carlo Padoan, Chairman, UniCredit
Marc Uzan, Director, cepFrance & Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
9:30-9:50: Keynote Speech
Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for Economy (via video online)
9:50-11:15: The Global Macro Economic Consequences of the war
Chair: Soner Baskaya, Associate Professor, University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School (TBC)
Elina Ribakova, Deputy Chief Economist, Institute for international Finance
Niels Thgyesen, Chair, European Fiscal Board , Professor of Economics, University of Copenhagen
Edoardo Secchi and Pierluigi Testa, President and Co-Chair, Club Italie-France
Alexander Rodnyansky, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Cambridge (online)
11:15-11:30: Coffee Break
11:30-12:55: A Global Financial and Monetary System in Crisis
Chair: Marc Uzan, Director, cepFrance & Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
Andreas Dombret, Managing Director, Oliver Wyman and Former Deputy President Bundesbank
Erik Nielsen, Group Chief Economic Advisor, UniCredit
Massimiliano Castelli, Managing Director, UBS, Asset Management
Paolo Garonna, Director, FEBAF
13:00-14:15: Buffet Lunch