Roundtable Discussion with the G20 Deputies
London, UK
September 25-26, 2003

The World Economic Forum and the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee organized this G20 Deputies roundtable to stimulate discussion between officials, the private sector and members of the academic community about progress made to establish a code of good conduct, namely the formulation of rules and a “road map” to guide debtors, creditors and others involved in debt restructuring.
- Arnab DAS: Managing Director, Dresdner Kleinwort Benson
- Avinash PERSAUD: Mercers’ School Memorial Professor of Commerce, Gresham College
- Christian KOPF: Portfolio Manager, DWS Investment GMBH
- Edmond ALPHANDERY: Chairman of the Supervisory Board, CNP Assurance
- Keith CLARK: Managing Director, International Legal Counsel, Morgan Stanley
- Konrad REUSS: Managing Director, Standard and Poor’s
- Kwon TAE SHIN: Deputy Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economy, Republic of Korea
- Mahmood PRADHAN: Chief Economist Emerging Markets, Blue Crest
- Maria RAMOS: Director General, South African Department of Finance
- Nouriel ROUBINI: Professor of Economics, New York Business School
- Philip TURNER: Director, Emerging Markets Secretariat, BIS
- Nigel WICKS: Deputy Chairman, Euro Clear