Roundtable of the Euro50 Group and RBWC on the Eurozone Crisis and the International Monetary System
Paris, France
December 9, 2011

This Paris conference was designed as a continuation of reflections we had started in that same city a year earlier during a conference titled “The International Monetary System: Old and New Debates”, which was also the first event organized by RBWC under the G20 French Presidency. On this occasion we not only recapitulated the activities of The Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee under G20 France and pondered what we had learned from one year of discussions but in order to broaden our perspective further we also looked at a report entitled “Before it is too late – Thoughts on the International Monetary System” that Jean Guyot, late French economist, banker and humanitarian, (Founder and President of Hippocrene Foundation) assisted by Marc Uzan, then a graduate at the University of California, Berkley, had written 20 years earlier.
- Bernd BRAASCH: Director, Financial Stability Department, Deutsche Bundesbank
- Daniel GROS: Director, Centre for European Policy Studies
- Edmond ALPHANDERY: Chairman, Euro50 Group
- Francesco GIAVAZZI: Professor of Economics, Bocconi University
- Guillermo DE LA DEHESA: Chairman, Centre for Economic Policy Research
- Jean LEMIERRE: Advisor to the Chairman, BNP Paribas
- Luiz AWAZU PEREIRA DA SILVA: Deputy Governor, Banco Central do Brasil
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Mario BLEJER: First Vice Chairman, Banco Hipotecario
- Ousmene MANDENG: Managing Director, Head of Investment Policy Advisory, FICC, Financial Public Sector Institutions, UBS
- Pier Carlo PADOAN: Deputy Secretary-General and Chief Economist, OECD
- Ramon FERNANDEZ: Director-General, Directorate General of the Treasury, Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry, France
- Robert MUNDELL: Nobel Prize, Professor of Economics, Columbia University
- Wolfgang MUNCHAU: Director, Eurointelligence; European Columnist, Financial Times