Shaping the Future of the International Monetary System
Warsaw, Poland
May 16, 2010

At the time of this event the ongoing turmoil in financial markets had clearly exposed more than ever before, the importance of the international monetary system for the global economy. It was too early to say whether flaws in this system were merely a catalyst for the crisis or among the key reasons underlying the turmoil. Regardless of the answer, it made sense to highlight the major developments taking place in this system. We reasoned that observing recent trends would help in the process of finding a way to convert the system into a kind of stability pillar that could play a crucial role in overcoming the current problems. During the conference we discussed at length whether the international monetary system (IMS) was in need of reform due to its dysfunctional and inherently unstable nature. Participants called for a more resilient and efficient IMS in light of the fact that during the course of its history, the IMS had demonstrated difficulty adjusting to major shocks, the most currently of which was the emergence of China.
- Adam S. POSEN: Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics
- David MARSH: Chairman, London and Oxford Group
- Eisuke SAKAKIBARA: Professor, Waseda University
- Fahad ALDOSSARI: Head of Money and Banking Division, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
- Harold JAMES: Professor of History and International Affairs, Princeton University
- Jerzy OSIATYNSKI: Former Minister of Finance
- Jihad AZOUR: Vice President – Senior Executive Advisor, Booz and Company
- Krzysztof RYBINSKI: Former Deputy President, National Bank of Poland, Professor of Economics, Warsaw School of Economics
- Lawrence SCHEMBRI: Chief of International Economic Analysis Department, Bank of Canada
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Miroslaw GRONICKI: Former Minister of Finance
- Niu TIEHANG: Senior Fellow, China Center for International Economic Exchanges
- Ousmene MANDENG: Head of Public Sector Investment Advisory, Ashmore Investment Management Limited UK
- Pawel OLEJARNIK: Energy Analyst, International Energy Agency
- Philip POOLE: Global Head of Emerging Markets Research, HSBC
- Piotr WIESIOLEK: First Deputy President, National Bank of Poland
- Rishi GOYAL: Senior Economist, IMF
- Robert A. MUNDELL: Professor of Economics at Columbia University, Recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics
- Romulo MARTINEZ: Operations Officer, OPEC Fund for International Development
- Samir RANJAN PRADHAN: Senior Researcher, Gulf Research Center
- Stanislaw GOMULKA: Former Deputy Minister of Finance
- Subir GOKARN: Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
- Thierry BRACKE: Head of the Division, European Central Bank
- Wilhelm NOLLING: Professor of Political Sciences, University of Hamburg
- Witold KOZINSKI: Deputy President, National Bank of Poland