Sixty Years After Bretton Woods: Developing a Vision for the Future
Rome, Italy
July 22-23, 2004

This roundtable marked the launch of the International Monetary Convention Project (IMCP), a series of public-private roundtables organized by RBWC in collaboration with the World Economic Forum with the objective of making a substantial contribution to the debate on the arrangements needed to ensure the smooth functioning of the international monetary system in light of the emergence of a wider range of important national actors and the increased role of private capital flows. During this event, also scheduled to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Bretton Woods conference, senior policy-makers, leading financial market executives and some of the world’s foremost academic experts, met for the first in a series of collective deliberations that were supported by directed research and an online knowledge environment, on the international financial architecture.
- Alexander SWOBODA: Professor of economics, ICMB, Switzerland
- Arnab DAS: Managing Director, Kleinwort Benson
- Axel WEBER: President of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Germany
- Barry EICHENGREEN: Professor of Economics and Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Brad DE LONG: Professor of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Fabrizio SACCOMANNI: Vice President, EBRD UK
- Giorgio GOMEL: Director, International Affairs, Banca d’Italia
- Gordon DE BROUWER: Professor of Economics, Australia National University and Principal Adviser, Macroeconomic Group, Department of Treasury, Australia
- Hiroshi WATANABE: Vice Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Japan
- Jack BOORMAN: Special Advisor to the Managing Director, IMF
- Jacob FRENKEL: Vice Chairman, AIG, USA
- Jean Pierre JOUYET: Director, International Affairs, Ministry of Finance, France
- John LIPSKY: Managing Director, JP Morgan Chase, USA
- Jon CUNLIFFE: Managing Director, Macroeconomic Policy & International Finance, H.M. Treasury, UK
- Jose VINALS: Director General, Banco de Espana
- Lord ROBERT SKIDELSKY: Member of Parliament, United Kingdom
- Lorenzo BINI SMAGHI: Director, International Financial Relations, Department of the Treasury, Italy
- Mark CARNEY: G7 Deputy of Canada
- Michael DOOLEY: Special Advisor, Deutsche Bank
- Peter KENEN: Professor of Economics, Princeton University, USA
- Richard COOPER: Professor of Economics, Harvard University, USA
- Richard PORTES: Professor of Economics, London Business School, UK
- Robert MUNDELL: Professor of Economics, Columbia University, USA
- Ronald MCKINNON: Professor of Economics, Columbia University, USA
- Sarvjeev SIDHU: Senior Vice President, Aegon Management