Strengthen the Architecture of the International Monetary System: The Response of the Private Sector
New York, USA
January 26-27, 1999

With the fundamental reform agenda implied by the Asian and Mexican financial crises as a backdrop, this seminar focused on the prevention and resolution of crises and addressed head on the issue of involving the private sector in the process. A good deal of attention was also devoted to making the case that in order to prevent crises, surveillance should be strengthened via an early warning system. Also in the course of the dicsussions that took place incorporating collective action clauses in bond issuance emerged as a major innovation for crisis resolution.
- Andres SOLIMANO: Director, The World Bank
- Bernard DELBECQUE: Adviser to the Minister of Finance of Belgium
- Carlos ASILIS: Managing Director, Vector Investment Advisors
- Clifford DAMMERS: Secretary General, International Primary Markets Association
- Daniel JACKSON: General Director, Nomura International
- Dick WARE: Manager, Regulatory Affairs, The World Gold Council
- Heiner FLASSBECK: State Secretary of Finance, German Ministry of Finance
- Ed ALTMAN: Vice Director, Salomon Center, New York University
- Ernest PATRIKIS: Special Advisor to the Chairman, AIG
- George VOJTA: Vice Chairman of the Board, Bankers Trust
- Heins JUERGEN SCHEID: Senior Officer, International Relations Department, European Central Bank
- Herve CARRE: Director for Economy of the Euro Zone and of the European Union, European Commission
- Jeffrey SHAFER: Vice Chairman, Salomon Smith Barney
- John HICKLIN: Assistant Director, Policy Development & Review Department, IMF
- Joyce CHANG: Managing Director, Merrill Lynch
- Karin LISSAKERS: US Executive Director, IMF
- Liliana ROJAS SUAREZ: Chief Economist, Latin America, Deutsche Bank Securities
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Mary PODESTA: Senior Counsel, Investment Company Institute
- Mustapha NABLI: Senior Economic Adviser, Development Prospects Group, The World Bank
- Nicolas EYZAGUIRRE: Executive Director for Chile, IMF
- Paul KIMBALL: Global Head, Foreign Exchange, Morgan Stanley
- Paul LEAKE: Partner, Weil, Gotshal & Manges
- Peter GERAGHTY: Managing Director, Darby Overseas Investments
- Rogelio RAMIREZ DE LA O: President, Ecanal S.A
- Timothy DE SIENO: Hebb & Gitlin
- Tom BERNES: Executive Director for Canada, IMF
- Yukio YOSHIMURA: Executive Director for Japan, IMF