Strong Global Growth: Policies, Drivers and Institutions
Shanghai, China
February 28, 2016

The global economic recovery is continuing but weakness remains in major economies. Global growth forecast has been downgraded after each revision as most countries are troubled with low inflation, slow trader growth, subdued levels of investments, and particularly emerging economies got negative impact from the United States’ liftoff of interest rate and slowing down of commodity price.
- Bert HOFMAN: World Bank, Country Director, China, Mongolia and Korea
- Carlo MONTICELLI: Vice Governor for Financial Strategy, EDB
- Catherine L. MANN: Chief Economist of OECD
- Chen WENLING: Chief Economist of CCIEE
- Debora REVOLTELLA: Director, Economics Department, European Investment Bank
- Erik BERGLOF: Professor, LSE
- Fei FANGYU: Professor, China Academy of Financial Research, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Jean Pierre LANDAU: Professor of Economics at Sciences Po Paris
- Lawrence GOODMAN: President, Center for Financial Stability
- Liu HAIYING: Research Fellow, SDRF
- Liu SHIJIN: Former Vice Minister, Development Research Center of the State Council
- Liu XINYI: vice Chairman/President, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Matthew JORDAN TANK: Head of Infrastructure Policy and Project Preparation, EBRD
- Paul SHEARD: Chief Economist, S&P
- Qiao YIDE: Vice Chairman and Secretary General of SDRF
- Quan HENG: Deputy Director, Institute of Economics, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
- Richard CHENGA REDDY: Standard Chartered
- Shi LIYA: Executive Director, Shanghai Financial Society
- Tatiana VALOVAYA: Minister, Integration and Macroeconomics, Eurasian Economic Commission
- Wang RONGHUA: Vice Chairman of SDRF
- Wei SEN: Professor, Fudan University
- Xu MINGQI: Research Fellow, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
- Yu YONGDING: Academician of CASS, Chairman of the Academic Committee of SDRF
- Zhang JUN: Dean, School of Economics, Fudan University
- Zhang LIQING: Dean, School of Finance, CUFE
- Zhang WENCAI: Vice President of Asian Development Bank
- Zhou QIANGWU: Chief Executive, China MOF Think Tank on International Economics