The European Monetary Union and its Meaning for the Yen
Tokyo, Japan
September 29, 1997

- Akihiro WANI: Partner, Mitsui, Yasuda, Wani & Maeda
- Bob EVANS: Financial Counselor, British Embassy in Tokyo
- Felmming LARSEN: Deputy Director, Research Department, IMF
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Ralph WILKINSON: Secretary for Economy & Finance, European Commission
- Rei MASUNAGA: Deputy President, Japan Center for International Finance
- Shijuro OGATA: Senior Advisor, Yamaichi Securities
- Stefan COLLIGNON: Research Director, Association for the Monetary Union of Europe
- Takatoshi ITO: Special Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Finance
- Yukio YOSHIMURA: Executive Director for Japan, IMF