The International Monetary Convention
Madrid, Spain
May 13-14, 2003

Although at the time of this conference some were starting to wonder if the international financial architecture debate was over, this notion was rejected by the experts that we gathered in Madrid and whom we asked to identify the key trends that would fashion the international financial system in the years ahead. Together conference participants examined the evolution of the international monetary system and the shifting debate on capital account liberalization. Proceedings of the conference were published in 2004 in a book entitled “The future of the International Monetary System.”
- Alexander SWOBODA: Professor of Economics, Graduate Institute for International Studies, Geneva
- Allen FRANKEL: Head, Secretariat of the Committee on the Global Financial System, Bank for International Settlements
- Alonso GARCIA TAMES: Director General of Public Credit Ministry of Finance, Mexico
- Amit GUPTA: Portfolio Manager, MN Services
- Andy HALDANE: Bank of England
- Avinash PERSAUD: Managing Director, State Street
- Chris CANAVAN: Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
- Daniel MARX: Former Secretary of Finance, Republic of Argentina
- David SEKIGUCHI: Sovereign Strategist, Deutsche Bank, Emerging Markets Research
- Davud LEBLANG: Professor of Political Science, University of Colorado
- J. VAN DER MERWE: Chief Economist, Reserve Bank of South Africa
- Ed BARTHOLOMEW: Vice President, JP Morgan Chase
- Fatih OZATAY: Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Turkey
- Fernando FERNANDEZ: Rector of the Universidad Europea de Madrid
- Gazi ERCEL: Former Governor, Central Bank of Turkey
- Geoffrey UNDERHILL: Professor of Political Science, University of Amsterdam
- Gonzalo RAMOS PUIG: Director General International Affairs, Ministry of the Economy, Spain
- J. BROUWER: Executive Director, De Nederlandsche Bank
- Harold JAMES: Professor of History, Princeton University
- Ilan GOLDFAJN: Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Brazil
- Javier SANTISO: Chief Economist, Latin America, BBVA
- Jeronimo ZETTELMEYER: Senior Economist, International Monetary Fund
- John B. CHAMBERS: CFA Managing Director Chairman, Sovereign Ratings Committee, Standard & Poor’s
- John MURRAY: Senior Advisor, Bank of Canada
- John WILLIAMSON: Senior Fellow, Institute for International Economics
- Jose Juan RUIZ: Strategy Director, Division America Banco Santander
- Jose VINALS: Director General, Bank of Spain
- Juan COSTA: Secretary of State for Trade and Tourism, Ministry of the Economy, Spain
- Julio DE BRUN: Governor, Central Bank of Uruguay
- Leo VAN HOUTVEN: Former Secretary General, IMF
- Lord SKIDELSKY: Professor at the Warwick University; Chairman Centre for Global Studies; Member of the UK Parliament
- Lorenzo BINI SMAGHI: Director General, International Affairs, Department of Treasury, Italy
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Marcus MILLER: Professor of Economics, University of Warvick
- Martin PARKINSON: Executive Director, Macroeconomic Group Department of Treasury, Australia
- Michael BUCHANAN: Executive Director, Goldman Sachs
- Nouriel ROUBINI: Professor of Economics, New York University
- Octaviano CANUTO: Secretary for International Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Brazil
- Pierre JAILLET: Deputy Director, General Economics and International, Bank of France
- Ricardo GOTTSCHALK: Research Fellow, Institute of Development Studies
- Robert GRAY: Chairman Debt Financing Advisory Group, HSBC Investment Bank
- Ryszard WILCZYNSKI: Advisor to the Minister of Finance
- Sarjeev SIDHU: Portfolio Manager, Aegon USA
- Sergio G. EDEZA: Treasurer, Republic of the Philippines; President, World Association of Debt Management
- Stephany GRIFFITH JONES: Director, Institute of Development Studies
- Vijay JOSHI: Fellow and Tutor in Economics, Merton College, Oxford
- Wouter RAAB: Director International Financial and Monetary Relations, Ministry of Finance, The Netherlands