The International Monetary Fund in Transition: Rediscover its Monetary Role?
Capetown, South Africa
May 29-30, 2006

This seminar which took place in Cape Town one year before South Africa’s take over of the G20 presidency, tackled the question of how to break up the inertia of the world of international finance in order to develop a genuine reform agenda for the International Monetary Fund. Conference participants engaged in a lively discussion about the IMF Managing Director’s vision for the Fund, they explored possible alternatives and worked on identifying ways in which the debate about the international financial architecture had evolved or shifted since the 1990’s.
- Alexander SWOBODA: Professor of Economics, Graduate School of International Studies, Geneva
- Anthony NELSON: Vice Chairman, Global Markets, Citigroup
- Augusto LOPEZ CLAROS: Chief Economist and Director, World Economic Forum
- Baledzi GAOLATHE: Minister of Finance and Development Planning of Botswana
- Brad SETSER: Head of Economic Research, RGE
- Cyrus RUSTOMJEE: Executive Director, Centre for Economic Training in Africa
- Daniel MARX: Managing Director, AGM Finanzas
- Geoffrey UNDERHILL: Professor of Political Science, University of Amsterdam
- Gobind NANKANI: Vice President for Africa, World Bank, Washington DC
- Jack BOORMAN: Senior Advisor to the Senior Management, IMF
- Jacko MAREE: CEO, Standard Bank Group Ltd.
- James VREELAND: Professor of Political Science, Yale University
- Lesetja KGANYAGO: Director General, National Treasury of South Africa
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Mark PLANT: Senior Advisor of the Policy Development and Review Department, IMF
- Nouriel ROUBINI: Professor of Economics, New York University
- Pedro MALAN: Chairman of the Board, Unibanco
- Renosi MOKATE: Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of South Africa
- Robert MCADIE: Managing Director, Barclays Capital
- Roger BRAKE: General Manager, International Finance Division, Australian Treasury
- Seeraj MOHAMED: Senior Research Fellow, Corporate Strategy and Industrial Development Research, South Africa
- Tito MBOWENI: Governor, Reserve Bank of South Africa
- Trevor MANUEL: Minister of Finance of South Africa