The Monetary Future of the Americas
Montreal, Canada
April 18-19, 2000

This conference was organized to deepen discussions that were starting to emerge at the global level about the pros and cons of dollarization in Latin America as a result of the progress being made towards the creation of a common currency in Europe. We discussed dollarization as a way for Latin American economies to resolve the currency mismatch and the original sin. The seminar organized in Canada also provided proposals for options for Canada and Mexico to adopt a common currency.
- Adam POSEN: Senior Fellow, Institute for International Economics, Washington
- Alain DUBUC: Chief Editor, La Presse
- Avinash PERSAUD: Managing Director, State Street, London
- Bernard LANDRY: Vice Premier and Finance and Economics State Minister of Quebec
- Charles Philippe DAVID: Tenured, Chaire Teleglobe Raoul Dandurand, UQAM
- Christopher RAGAN: Professor of Economics, University McGILL and Editor, World Economic Affairs
- Claude BLANCHET: President, Societe Generale de Financement du Quebec
- Edmond ALPHANDERY: President, CNP, Former French Minister of Finance, France
- Guillermo MONDINO: Research Director, IERAL, Fundacion Mediterranea, Buenos Aires
- Herve CARRE: Director Euro Zone, European Commission, Bruxelles
- Jean Pierre BEGUELIN: Chief Economist, Pictet Bank and Former Governor of the Swiss Central Bank, Geneve
- John CROW: Former Governor, Bank of Canada
- John MCCALLUM: First Vice President and Chief Economist, Banque Royale
- John MURRAY: Senior Economist, Bank of Canada, Ottawa
- Koichi HAMADA: Professor of Economics, Yale University, New Heaven
- Liliana ROJAS SUAREZ: Director Latin American, Deutsche Bank, New York
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Marcel COTE: Associate Founder, SECOR
- Masahiro KAWAI: Chief Economist, Asia World Bank, Washington
- Michael GAVIN: Director, Latin American Research, Warburg Dillon Read, New York
- Octavio DE BARROS: President, Brazilian Transnational Entreprise Society, Chief Economist, Bilbao Bank, Viscaya
- Pablo BREARD: Vice President, International Research, Scotiabank Group
- Panayotis SOLDATOS: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Montreal
- Pierre FORTIN: Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, UQAM
- Pierre LEMONDE: Executive Director, CORIM
- Raymond BACHAND: Chief Executive Officer, Solidarity Fund, FTQ
- Robert DUGGER: Director, Tudor Investment
- Rogelio RAMIREZ DE LA O: Director, Ecanal SA, Mexico City
- Ron MCKINNON: Professor of Economics, Stanford University
- Thomas COURCHENE: Professor of Economics, Queen’s University, Kingston
- Walter MOLANO: Director International Economic Research, BCP Securities, New York
- Willem BUITER: Member of the committee of Monetary Policy, Bank of England
- William GRUBEN: Director, Center for Latin America Economics, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank, Dallas
- Yukio YOSHIMURA: Executive Director for Japan, IMF, Washington