The Uncertain Future of Global Economic Integration
Reykjavik, Iceland
September 14-15, 2017

What is the current state and the future of global economic and financial integration? How will this future be affected individual country responses as well as reforms to the international monetary and financial systems?
Arnor SIGHVATSSON: Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Iceland
Boris VUJCIC: Governor, Bank of Croatia
Erik BERGLOF: Professor and Director of the Institute of Global Affairs, London School of Economics
Jaime CARUANA: General Manager, Bank for International Settlements
Jean Pierre LANDAU: Professor and Former Deputy Governor, Banque de France
Jon SIGUREGEIRSSON: Director, Governor’s Office and International Relations, Central Bank of Iceland
Mar GUOMUNDSSON: Governor, Central Bank of Iceland
Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
Mario I. BLEJER: Visiting Professor at the Institute for Global Affairs at the London School of Economics and Former Governor, Bank of Argentina
Rakesh MOHAN: Senior Fellow at the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs at Yale University and Former Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Sigriour BENEDIKTSDOTTIR: Senior Fellow at the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs at Yale University
Stefan INGVES: Governor, Sveriges Risksbank
Tao ZHANG: Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund