The World Economy Transformed
A webinar Series
April-July, 2020

This series of webinars was designed with the idea that as countries around the world are dealing with crises efforts realted to the Covid 19 pandemic, a parallel intellectual initiative should be under way for the transition to a post-virus order.
The webinars set to examine trends in health, monetary and fiscal policy. They invovled a wide range of policy makers, academics and private sector representatives from around the world . We focused particularly on policies likley to have major implications and to produce innovations in how the global financial system operates in the aftermath of a health crisis that has changed the course of world history.
We hope that this digital series will help to strengthen our collective commitment in making the world a better place, though we will miss the conviviality and intimate atmosphere that our events have provided over the last two decades.

see session videos
Webinar # 1, April 17
James BULLARD,President & CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Olli REHN,Governor, Central Bank of Finland
Benoit COEURE, Head of Innovation Hub, Bank for International Settlements
Barry EICHENGREEN, Professor of Econpmics, University of California at Berkeley
Webinar #2, June 16
Benjamin DIOKNO, Governor, Central Bank of the Philippines
Webinar #3, June 25
Jacob FRENKEL Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Group of Thirty, Former Governor of Bank of Israel
Robert S KAPLAN, President, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Klaas KNOT, Governor, De Nederlandsche Bank
Yves MERSCH, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB and Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board of the ECB
Webinar #4, July 7
Vachira ARROMDEE, Assistant Governor, Financial Markets Operations Group, Bank of Thailand