Where is Global Finance Heading? Role and New Responsibilities of Emerging Economies in the Global Monetary System
Istanbul, Turkey
October 1-2, 2009

During the annual meetings of the IMF in Istanbul, RBWC hosted a high level conference with the central Bank of Turkey on the future of global finance. Our Key Note Speaker, Managing Director of the IMF Dominique Strauss Kahn, provided a vision of the future of the global economic order. He recounted how sixty years ago, following the calamities of the Great Depression and World War II, the world’s leaders came together to create a new world order to advance peace and economic cooperation and to this end they established the United Nations and the Bretton Woods organizations. Dominique Strauss Kahn felt that our leaders had a similar opportunity: to emerge from the financial crisis and achieve fundamental and lasting change that would benefit many generations to come. By recognizing that a globalized world demands global cooperation on economic and financial matters, our leaders would commit to working in new and more collaborative ways—to ensure prosperity and peace for all of us. That was the vision. Unfortunately, the world today seems to continue to diverge and become more fragmented.
- Ali BABACAN: State Minister, Republic of Turkey
- David DAOKUI LI: Professor of Economics, Tsinghua University
- Dominique STRAUSS KAHN: Managing Director, IMF
- Durmus YILMAZ: Governor, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
- Erdem BASCI: Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Turkey
- Guillermo ORTIZ: Governor, Bank of Mexico
- Haruhiko KURODA: President, Asian Development Bank
- Jean LEMIERRE: Adviser to the Chairman, BNP Paribas
- Jerome BOOTH: Head of Research, Ashmore Investment
- Lorenzo BINI SMAGHI: Member of the Board, European Central Bank
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Mark SOBEL: Acting Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, US Treasury
- Martin REDRADO: Governor, Central Bank of Argentina
- Muhammad AL JASSER: Governor, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
- Nouriel ROUBINI: Professor of Economics, New York University
- Richard COOPER: Professor of Economics, Harvard University
- Robert MCCAULEY: Bank for International Settlements
- Tiehang NIU: Senior Fellow, China Center for International Economic Exchanges
- Tim ADAMS: Managing Director, The Lindsey Group
- Yavuz CANEVI: Chairman, TEB