Testing Times for the International Financial System: New Challenges for Small Open Economies
Testing Times for the International Financial System: New Challenges for Small Open Economies Reykjavik, Iceland October 28, 2008 Partners Overview The overarching theme of the conference was floating exchange rate regime in Iceland and the policy choices of other...
Shocks in the International Financial System
Shocks in the International Financial System Rio de Janeiro, Brazil August 28, 2008 Partners Overview One of the most salient features the financial turmoil experienced at the time of this conference had been the resilience of emerging economies (EMEs), none of which...
Global Markets Disruptions will Global Imbalances Unwind
Global markets Disruptions will Global Imbalances Unwind Salzburg June 12-14, 2008 Partners Overview For several years prior to this conference the question of what do to about global imbalances occupied center stage in policy debates with an almost even split between...
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