Reigniting the Strength of Opening Up
Reigniting the Strength of Opening Up Shanghai, China November 1, 2013 Partners Overview This shanghai conference was aimed at reviewing the direct and indirect effects of the highly accommodative monetary policies of key advanced economies. The combination of US QE...
Dealing with Multiple Spillovers: New Frontiers of Policy Coordination?
Dealing with Multiple Spillovers: New Frontiers of Policy Coordination Washington D.C., USA October 11, 2013 Partners Overview This conference aimed to bring to the forefront the different dimensions of economic policy spillovers and explore the new frontiers of...
The Great Experimentation with Unconventional Monetary and Financial Policy
The Great Experimentation with Unconventional Monetary and Fiancial Policy Cusco, Peru July 3-4, 2013 Partners Overview At this Cusco yearly meeting we decided to focus mostly on emerging markets, in particular on Latin American, to emphasize their resilience and...
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