Book Discussion
Book Discussion Beijing, China September 27, 2016 Partners Overview Discussion of “Bretton Woods : The Next 70 Years”. Held on the occasion of the release of this volume’s Chinese edition at Tsinghua University on September 27, 2016 featuring Jacob...
Reform of the Global Financial Architecture: Short Term Measures and Long Term Goals
Reform of the Global Financial Architecture: Short Term Measures and Long Term Goals Chengdu, China July 22, 2016 Partners Overview The seminar explored how flaws in the global financial architecture erode its ability to prevent a weakening of the global economy....
The End of Hyper-Globalization: The New Conditions for Economic and Financial Landscape
The End of Hyper-Globalization: The New Conditions for Economic and Financial Landscape Astana, Kazakhstan May 25-26, 2019 Partners Overview What is the global macro outlook today and how can we raise global growth? How do we address the end of the super cycle of...
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